Engine API Reference
The Forge Framework Engine provides a robust set of core classes and interfaces for building web applications. This documentation covers the essential components, their methods, and usage patterns.
The Dependency Injection Container is the core of the Forge Framework, managing service instantiation and resolution.
namespace Forge\Core\DependencyInjection;
class Container implements ContainerInterface
public function get(string $id);
public function has(string $id): bool;
public function set(string $id, $concrete);
public function singleton(string $id, $concrete);
Usage: The container is used to manage dependencies throughout your application.
HTTP Components
Core HTTP classes for handling requests and responses.
namespace Forge\Http;
class Request
public function getMethod(): string;
public function getUri(): string;
public function getHeaders(): array;
public function getBody(): array;
public function input(string $key, $default = null);
namespace Forge\Http;
class Response
public function setStatusCode(int $code): self;
public function setHeader(string $name, string $value): self;
public function setContent($content): self;
public function json($data, int $status = 200): self;
The routing system handles URL matching and request dispatching.
namespace Forge\Core\Routing;
class Router
public function get(string $path, $handler);
public function post(string $path, $handler);
public function put(string $path, $handler);
public function delete(string $path, $handler);
public function group(array $attributes, callable $callback);
Configuration management system for your application.
namespace Forge\Core\Configuration;
class Config
public function get(string $key, $default = null);
public function set(string $key, $value);
public function has(string $key): bool;
public function load(string $path);
The event system provides a robust way to handle and dispatch events throughout your application.
namespace Forge\Core\Events;
class EventDispatcher implements EventDispatcherInterface
public function dispatch(object $event);
public function addListener(string $eventName, callable $listener, int $priority = 0);
public function removeListener(string $eventName, callable $listener);
public function getListeners(?string $eventName = null): array;
Usage: Register event listeners and dispatch events to handle various application scenarios.
Service providers are responsible for bootstrapping and configuring your application's core services.
namespace Forge\Core\Services;
abstract class ServiceProvider
protected Container $container;
public function register(): void;
public function boot(): void;
public function provides(): array;
Usage: Extend this class to create custom service providers for your application components.