ForgeStaticGen Module
ForgeStaticGen is a powerful static site generator module for the Forge Framework. It works seamlessly with ForgeMarkDown to convert Markdown files into static HTML websites, providing a simple yet flexible way to generate static content.
- Markdown Integration: Built-in support for Markdown through ForgeMarkDown
- Flexible Output: Customizable output directory structure
- Command Line Interface: Easy-to-use CLI commands for generation
- Template Support: Custom templates for consistent styling
- Asset Management: Automatic handling of static assets
Configure ForgeStaticGen through the module's configuration file:
// config/forge_static_gen.php
return [
'output_dir' => 'public/static',
'templates_dir' => 'templates',
'assets_dir' => 'assets',
'markdown_extensions' => ['.md', '.markdown']
output_dir: Directory where generated static files will be stored
templates_dir: Directory containing HTML templates
assets_dir: Directory for static assets like CSS, JS, images
markdown_extensions: File extensions to process as Markdown
Using ForgeStaticGen in your application:
use Forge\Modules\ForgeStaticGen\ForgeStaticGen;
use Forge\Modules\ForgeMarkDown\ForgeMarkDown;
// Initialize the static generator
$markdownParser = new ForgeMarkDown();
$staticGen = new ForgeStaticGen($markdownParser, 'public/static');
// Add content and generate
$staticGen->addContent('docs/', 'templates/docs.html');
CLI Commands
ForgeStaticGen provides CLI commands for easy site generation:
# Generate static site
php forge static:build
# Clean output directory
php forge static:clean
# Watch for changes and rebuild
php forge static:watch
Note: The watch command is useful during development as it automatically rebuilds the site when source files change.