ForgeEvents Module
ForgeEvents is a powerful event system module that implements the publish-subscribe pattern, allowing for decoupled communication between different parts of your application. It provides a robust foundation for event-driven architecture with support for synchronous and asynchronous event handling.
The event system offers a comprehensive set of features for event management:
- Event Dispatching: Simple and intuitive event dispatching mechanism
- Event Listeners: Support for multiple listeners per event
- Queue Integration: Optional queue-based event processing
- Retry Mechanism: Configurable retry attempts for failed event handling
- Async Processing: Support for asynchronous event processing
- Event Subscribers: Organize related event listeners in subscriber classes
- Error Handling: Robust error handling for event processing
Configure the event system through the config/forge_events.php
// config/forge_events.php
return [
'queue_driver' => App::env('FORGE_EVENT_QUEUE_DRIVER', 'sync'),
'max_retries' => 3,
'listeners' => [
'user.created' => [
function (\Forge\Core\Contracts\Modules\ForgeEventInterface $event) {
$userData = $event->getPayload();
$logger = App::getContainer()->get(LoggerInterface::class);
$logger->log("User created " . json_encode($userData));
queue_driver: Specifies the queue driver for event processing ('sync' or 'async').
max_retries: Maximum number of retry attempts for failed event processing.
listeners: Array of event listeners mapped to event names.
Usage Examples
Here are practical examples of using the event system:
1. Creating and Dispatching Events
use Forge\Core\Contracts\Events\EventInterface;
class DatabaseQueryExecuted implements EventInterface
public function __construct(
public readonly string $query,
public readonly array $bindings,
public readonly float $timeInMilliseconds
) {}
// Dispatching the event
$eventDispatcher->dispatch(new DatabaseQueryExecuted(
2. Event Listeners
use Forge\Modules\ForgeDebugbar\Listeners\DatabaseQueryListener;
class DebugBarModule extends ModulesInterface
public function onAfterModuleRegister(Container $container): void
$eventDispatcher = $container->get(EventDispatcherInterface::class);
if ($container->has(DebugBarInterface::class)) {
$debugBarInterface = $container->get(DebugBarInterface::class);
$databaseQueryListener = new DatabaseQueryListener($debugBarInterface);
$eventDispatcher->listen(DatabaseQueryExecuted::class, $databaseQueryListener);
3. Using Events in Core Components
// Example from Bootstrap.php
public function handleRequest(Request $request): Response
$response = $this->middlewareStack->run($request, $coreHandler);
if (!$this->isCli && $this->container->has(DebugBarInterface::class)) {
$eventDispatcher = $this->container->get(EventDispatcherInterface::class);
$eventDispatcher->dispatch(new ResponseReadyForDebugBarInjection(
return $response;