ForgeStaticHtml Module


ForgeStaticHtml is a powerful module that converts your dynamic PHP application into static HTML files. This is particularly useful for improving performance, security, and enabling easy deployment to static hosting platforms.


Configure the static site generation through the forge_static_html.php configuration file in your application:

return [
    'output_dir' => 'public/static',  // Directory where static files will be generated
    'base_url' => '/',                 // Base URL for the static site
    'clean_build' => true,             // Clean the output directory before building
    'copy_assets' => true,             // Copy asset files to the output directory
    'asset_dirs' => [                  // Directories containing assets to copy
    'include_paths' => [               // URLs to generate static pages for

Configuration Options

  • output_dir: Specifies where the generated static files will be saved
  • base_url: The base URL path for the static site
  • clean_build: Whether to clean the output directory before generation
  • copy_assets: Whether to copy asset files to the output directory
  • asset_dirs: List of directories containing assets to be copied
  • include_paths: List of URL paths to generate static pages for


Generate static HTML files using the provided command:

php forge.php static:generate:html

This command will:

  • Process all configured routes
  • Generate static HTML files
  • Copy assets to the output directory
  • Maintain directory structure


Here's an example of a typical setup with routes and controllers:

Controller Example

namespace MyApp\Controllers;

use Forge\Core\Helpers\App;
use Forge\Http\Request;
use Forge\Http\Response;
use Forge\Core\Contracts\Modules\ViewEngineInterface;

class HomeController
     * @inject
    private ViewEngineInterface $view;

    public function index(Request $request): Response
        return $this->view->render(view: 'home.index', layout: 'base');

    public function install(Request $request): Response
        return $this->view->render(view: 'home.installation', layout: 'base');

Route Configuration

use Forge\Core\Helpers\App;
use MyApp\Controllers\HomeController;

$router = App::router();

$router->get('/', [HomeController::class, 'index']);
$router->get('/installation', [HomeController::class, 'install']);

When you run the static generation command, it will:

  • Generate index.html from the home page route
  • Generate installation.html from the installation route
  • Copy all assets, including CSS and images
  • Maintain the layout structure defined in your views

Note: Make sure your views use relative paths for assets and links to ensure proper functionality in the static version.