ForgeLogger Module


ForgeLogger is a simple yet powerful logging module for the Forge Framework. It provides straightforward logging capabilities with configurable log file locations and easy-to-use logging methods.


  • Simple Configuration: Easy to set up with minimal configuration required
  • Flexible Log Storage: Configurable log file location
  • Automatic Directory Creation: Creates log directories if they don't exist
  • Log Levels: Support for different log levels (info, error, etc.)
  • Timestamp Integration: Automatic timestamp addition to log entries


Configure ForgeLogger through the config/storage.php file:

// config/storage.php
return [
    "log" => [
        "path" => "storage/logs",

path: Specifies the directory where log files will be stored. The path is relative to your application's base directory.


The FileLogger class implements the LoggerInterface and provides a simple way to log messages:

use Forge\Modules\ForgeLogger\FileLogger;

// The logger is automatically configured with the settings from storage.php
$logger = new FileLogger($config);

// Log a message with a specific level
$logger->log('User login successful', 'info');
$logger->log('Database connection failed', 'error');


Here are some practical examples of using ForgeLogger in your application:

// Example: Logging in a controller
class UserController
    private FileLogger $logger;

    public function __construct(FileLogger $logger)
        $this->logger = $logger;

    public function login(Request $request): Response
        try {
            // Attempt login
            $this->logger->log('Login attempt for user: ' . $request->input('email'), 'info');
            // Login logic here...
            $this->logger->log('Login successful', 'info');
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $this->logger->log('Login failed: ' . $e->getMessage(), 'error');
            throw $e;

The log entries will be written to app.log in your configured log directory with the following format:

[2024-01-20 10:15:30] [info] Login attempt for user:
[2024-01-20 10:15:31] [info] Login successful