Installation Guide
Installation Methods
There are two primary ways to install the Forge framework:
1. Using the Installer Script (Recommended)
The easiest way to install Forge is using the installer script, which takes care of everything for you:
bash <(curl -Ls
Note: Windows support for the installer script is currently in development.
2. Manual Installation
You can also start with a blank project:
- Clone the starter repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd forge-starter
- Run the installation command:
php forge.php install:project
This will set up your project, install required modules, generate an app key, and create the .env file.
Module Installation
The base installation is very lightweight (less than 500KB) and comes with essential modules. You can add or remove modules as needed.
Default Modules
The framework comes with these core modules:
- Manages package dependenciesforge-router
- Handles routingforge-view-engine
- Template renderingforge-error-handler
- Error handling and reporting
Installing Additional Modules
You can install modules in two ways:
1. Using the CLI Command
php forge.php install:module module-name@version
The version parameter is optional. If omitted, the latest version will be installed.
2. Manual Installation
You can manually download modules from the GitHub repository and place them in your /modules/
Framework Structure
Directory Structure
Core Directories
- Application code/engine
- Framework core/modules
- Installed modules/public
- Public assets/storage
- File storage/cache
- Cached files
App Structure
- App bootstrapControllers/
- Controllersconfig/
- Configurationroutes/
- Route definitionsresources/
- Views & assets
Configuration Files
Key configuration files in your project:
- Framework configurationforge-lock.json
- Package dependenciesapps.php
- Application definitions.env
- Environment variables