

The Forge Framework provides a flexible and layered configuration system that allows you to manage settings at different levels of your application. Configuration can be handled through environment variables, application configuration files, and module-specific configurations.

Environment Configuration

Environment-specific configuration is managed through environment variables, typically defined in your .env file. The framework provides an env-example file as a template:


# Database Configuration

Environment variables are loaded and processed by the Config class, which automatically converts them into appropriate configuration values.

Application Configuration

Application-level configuration is defined in your app's configuration files, located in the apps/MyApp/config directory. The main configuration file is app.php:

return [
    'name' => 'MyApp',
    'key' => \Forge\Core\Helpers\App::env("FORGE_APP_KEY"),
    'middleware' => [
    'paths' => [
        'resources' => [
            'views' => 'apps/MyApp/resources/views',
            'components' => 'apps/MyApp/resources/components',
        'database' => [
            'migrations' => 'apps/MyApp/Database/Migrations',
            'seeders' => 'apps/MyApp/Database/Seeders'

The application configuration is loaded during the bootstrap process in MyApp.php:

public function register(Container $container): void
    $config = App::config();
    // Access configuration values
    $routeFile = $config->get('routes.web');

Module Configuration

Modules can provide their own configuration files in their config directory. These configurations can be published to the application's config directory for customization.

Configuration Loading

The framework's Config class handles loading and merging configurations from multiple sources:

  • Module default configurations
  • Application-specific configurations
  • Environment variables

Configuration Validation

The ConfigValidator ensures that configuration values meet the required schema:

class ConfigValidator
    public function validate($config, array $schemas): void
        foreach ($schemas as $key => $schema) {
            $this->validateNode($key, $schema, $configArray);

Publishing Configuration

Module configurations can be published to your application using the publish command:

php forge.php publish module-name --type=config

Available publishing options:

  • --type=config: Publish configuration files
  • --type=views: Publish view templates
  • --type=components: Publish UI components
  • --type=assets: Publish static assets
  • --type=all: Publish all publishable resources

Published configurations will be placed in your application's config directory, allowing you to customize the module's behavior while maintaining the original defaults.